How Coffee Positively impacts the Skin
When people hear or see the word coffee, most of them can’t hold themselves back from getting their hands on a cup or two of coffee. That’s just it, these people know coffee as just a simple beverage. Even though coffee is recognised as one of the most energising and yet relatively inexpensive drinks in the world, it is surprisingly used for other biological purposes. One of which has to do with improving the quality of our very skin. Below are eight of the purported benefits that coffee may have for your skin (along with some suggested methods to treat...
What are the differences between Robusta and Arabica beans/coffee?
Ever wondered if there was a difference between beans you normally bought or the coffee you drank? The main coffees are Robusta and Arabica; and there are significant differences between the two.
How to make a Cappuccino
Once the fresh coffee is in the cup, begin to prepare the milk. You should always try to use 2% homogenized, because full-fat milk will mask the flavor of the coffee; and although some cafes use milk that is warm or at least at room temperature because it does not take as long to foam as cold milk, use cold milk if you can. Not only does cold milk foam better, but also the foam lasts longer and tastes fresher. As long as you are not making cappuccino for a bunch of people, use cold milk. Put the milk in...
How to make an Espresso
Making good espresso at home is one of life’s little challenges, It is worth remembering that the ore you are prepared to spend on a machine, the better the coffee will be. On the contrary, making good espresso should be thought of as a hobby and not be an attempt for perfection. As nobody is perfect and can make the perfect espresso. First, select the coffee. It shouldn’t be that hard to make the decision… all you have to do is go with our Robusta beans and you should be good to go. It is to be noted that...
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