Coffee Tips and News — Coorg Coffee
Difference between light and dark roasted coffee
This write up explains the difference between light, medium and dark roasted coffee. Roasting of coffee is an art and in order to get the best roast, a keen eye is required by the roaster to make this happen. Here we go in to the difference between a light and dark roast.
DIY Homemade Coffee Scrub
Freshly ground coffee beans contain higher levels of antioxidants and are therefore very good for your skin. Try this easy DIY coffee scrub that exfoliates, replenishes and rejuvenates your skin!
How to make a Cappuccino
Once the fresh coffee is in the cup, begin to prepare the milk. You should always try to use 2% homogenized, because full-fat milk will mask the flavor of the coffee; and although some cafes use milk that is warm or at least at room temperature because it does not take as long to foam as cold milk, use cold milk if you can. Not only does cold milk foam better, but also the foam lasts longer and tastes fresher. As long as you are not making cappuccino for a bunch of people, use cold milk. Put the milk in...
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